Kalimandir Pincode is 700026, Kolkata, WEST BENGAL (Updated)

Kalimandir Pincode is 700026. Kalimandir is located in district Kolkata, WEST BENGAL.

The Pincode of Kalimandir is 700026. Kalimandir comes under Kolkata district. PIN Code is also known as Zip Code or Postal Code. The office of 700026 Pin Code is located in Kalimandir, Kolkata taluk, Kolkata district, WEST BENGAL state. The postal region of Kalimandir is Calcutta region & postal division is Calcutta South. Telephone: 033-24555550.

More details of Kalimandir pin code are given below:

Office Kalimandir
Pincode 700026
District Kolkata
Taluk Kolkata
Country India
Office Type S.O
Delivery Status Non-Delivery

About Kalimandir:

Kalimandir is situated in the southern part of Kolkata, near the bank of the Adi Ganga (also known as Tolly’s Nullah), which is a distributary of the Ganges River. Kalimandir is one of the most sacred and ancient temples dedicated to Goddess Kali, a fierce incarnation of the Hindu goddess Durga. The temple holds immense religious significance for Hindus, and it is visited by thousands of devotees every day, especially during festivals like Kali Puja and Durga Puja. The exact origins of the Kalimandir Temple are unclear, but it is believed to have existed since ancient times. According to legend, the toes of the right foot of the Goddess Sati, an incarnation of Goddess Parvati and the consort of Lord Shiva, fell at the spot where the temple stands today.

The architecture of the Kalighat Temple is traditional Bengali style, with intricate carvings and decorations. The main deity, Goddess Kali, is represented as a black stone idol adorned with garlands of flowers and silver ornaments. Devotees offer various rituals and offerings to Goddess Kali at the Kalimandir Temple. Animal sacrifices, particularly of goats, are a common practice, although alternative offerings like fruits and sweets are also accepted. The Pincode of Kalimandir is 700026.

About Pincode:

A Postal Index Number or PIN or PIN code is a code in the post office numbering or post code system used by India Post, the Indian postal administration. The code is six digits long. First digit reflects region, second the sub-region, third the sorting district, and last three represent the post office code. India has nine PIN zones.

Types of post offices

H.O, S.O, and B.O are different types of post offices in the Indian postal system. Here’s a brief description of each:

  • H.O stands for Head Post Office. H.Os are the largest and most comprehensive post offices.
  • S.O stands for Sub Post Office. S.Os are smaller than H.Os but still offer a wide range of postal services.
  • B.O stands for Branch Post Office. B.Os are the smallest post offices and provide basic postal services to people living in remote areas.