Siolim Pincode is 403517. Siolim is located in district North Goa, GOA.
The Pincode of Siolim is 403517. Siolim comes under North Goa district. PIN Code is also known as Zip Code or Postal Code. The office of 403517 Pin Code is located in Siolim, Bardez taluk, North Goa district, GOA state. The postal region of Siolim is Goa-Panaji region & postal division is Goa. Telephone: 0832-2272221.
More details of Siolim pin code are given below:
Office | Siolim |
Pincode | 403517 |
District | North Goa |
Taluk | Bardez |
State | GOA |
Country | India |
Office Type | S.O |
Delivery Status | Delivery |
About Siolim:
Siolim is situated in the northern part of Goa, known for its serene atmosphere and scenic beauty. It lies along the Chapora River, offering picturesque views of the surrounding landscapes. Siolim embodies the relaxed and laid-back lifestyle that Goa is famous for. The village has a mix of local Goan culture and influences from the Portuguese colonial era, reflected in its architecture, cuisine, and festivals.
One of the notable attractions near Siolim is the Chapora Fort, located atop a hill overlooking the Chapora River and the Arabian Sea. The fort provides panoramic views of the surrounding coastline and is a popular spot for tourists and locals alike, especially during sunset. While Siolim itself is not directly on the coast, it is close to several famous beaches in North Goa. Beaches like Vagator, Anjuna, and Morjim are a short drive away from Siolim, offering opportunities for sunbathing, water sports, and beachside dining. The Pincode of Siolim is 403517.
About Pincode:
A Postal Index Number or PIN or PIN code is a code in the post office numbering or post code system used by India Post, the Indian postal administration. The code is six digits long. First digit reflects region, second the sub-region, third the sorting district, and last three represent the post office code. India has nine PIN zones.
Types of post offices
H.O, S.O, and B.O are different types of post offices in the Indian postal system. Here’s a brief description of each:
- H.O stands for Head Post Office. H.Os are the largest and most comprehensive post offices.
- S.O stands for Sub Post Office. S.Os are smaller than H.Os but still offer a wide range of postal services.
- B.O stands for Branch Post Office. B.Os are the smallest post offices and provide basic postal services to people living in remote areas.